Funds and awards

TLSS supports excellence in teaching and learning through various awards, funds and Chairships.

Awards, chair and funds available

TA Awards of Excellence

Honouring exceptional Teaching Assistants each year at uOttawa, these awards offer TAs much-deserved recognition and a financial boost.

Learn more about TA Awards of Excellence


Chair in University Teaching

The Chair in University Teaching fuels uOttawa’s commitment to instructional excellence by offering a $20,000 annual fund for three years to faculty members in order to complete research into innovative teaching and learning practices that will benefit the wider University community.

Learn more about the Chair in University Teaching

List of existing awards at the University

The University of Ottawa and several faculties offer a variety of teaching excellence awards throughout the year. You can consult our list (not exhaustive) or ask your faculty secretary.

See the existing awards list


Stay in touch

Contact us

Vanier Hall - Room 1001
136 Jean-Jacques Lussier
Ottawa (Ontario) K1N 6N5

Support form


Office hours

Monday to Friday - 8:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
June 1st to August 31st closed at 3:00 p.m.

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