Innovation, quality and research
Explore the programs and funding dedicated to innovative research in university education and all the services that ensure the quality of our courses and programs.
Research supported by TLSS

Chair in University Teaching
The Chair in University Teaching supports excellence in teaching and learning by funding and supporting a three-year chairship to faculty members pursuing research projects that benefit the uOttawa teaching community.
Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning research unit (ASoTL)
Bringing together top scholars pursuing original, innovative research into university teaching, including many past Chairs in University Teaching, the Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning (ASoTL) research group leverages ongoing research by fostering collaboration between pedagogical academics.


Using an iterative and consensual consultation process with the various stakeholders of our academic community, the University of Ottawa recently developed a framework of fundamental and transferable skills: the uOCompetencies. This set of personal and professional abilities enriches students’ learning experience.

Program development and evaluation
We offer a three-step process for program evaluation, as a collaborative activity through which our analyst supports your academic unit.
Office of Quality Assurance (OQA)
The Office of Quality Assurance (OQA) oversees all activities related to the cyclical review of undergraduate and graduate programs. The OQA establishes the cyclical review schedule in consultation with the Senate Committee on the Evaluation of Undergraduate Programs (SCEUP) and the Graduate Program Evaluation Committee (GPEC).

Quality Matters
The University of Ottawa is now a member of Quality Matters (QM). Quality Matters is a non-profit, quality assurance organization that provides evidence-based, student-centred guidelines for the design & continuous improvement of online and blended (hybrid) courses.