Spotlight on Teaching and Learning


This new series is designed to help us further our teaching and learning knowledge, connect with each other, and hear about colleagues’ work across the campus. This series will involve regular presentations, discussions, resources, and an educators’ showcase, with themes of inclusive education, teaching decisions and strategies, and wellness.

uOttawa Strategic Committee on Teaching and Learning Supports

Activity to Lauch the Academic Integrity Week!

Beliefs and Practices about Academic Integrity in Online Teaching at the University of Ottawa

Elaine Beaulieu Ph.D., Guest Speaker
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Ottawa
Monday, October 17, 2022, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Remote learning and teaching had an undeniable impact on academic integrity. Students and instructors were asked about their practices and behaviours regarding academic integrity, and how these changed when we pivoted to remote learning and teaching. This is the story they told.

Bimodal Event
To register and be present on campus, click here.
To register and participate virtually, click here

Elaine Beaulieu Ph.D.
Dr. Elaine Beaulieu is a professor at the University of Ottawa since 2013, and has taught in biology, biomed and biochemistry programs from 1st year to 4th year courses. Always dedicated to exploring new tools and practices in teaching and learning, she is the Coordinator of Teaching Innovation at the Faculty of Science. Dr. Beaulieu's research in education has touched upon academic integrity, gender disparities in academic performance in the sciences, gamification of learning, and visual representation of content for learning. She is passionate about developing communities of practices in teaching and learning, engaging both faculty and students in discussions about topics relevant to their learning experience, for which she jointly won the Transition to Online and Distance Teaching Award – Most Innovative Project, in 2021, with Dr. Colin Montpetit. 


Activity to Close the Academic Integrity Week!

Spotlight on Academic Integrity: Considerations for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

Sarah Elaine Eaton Ph.D., Guest Speaker
Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary                     
Friday, October 21, 2022, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Join us for an evidence-informed session about key issues and trends related academic integrity including: (a) how COVID-19 changed our understanding of academic integrity; (b) expanded definitions of academic integrity that extend beyond student conduct; (c) how equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization, and Indigenization play a role in academic integrity; (d) cutting-edge topics such as the role artificial intelligence is playing in teaching, learning, and assessment; and (e) updated and practical approaches to promote integrity and address misconduct. You’ll come away with new insights, lots to think about, and ideas for how to move forward. 

Virtual Event via Zoom - To register

Sarah Elaine Eston Ph.D.
Sarah Elaine Eaton, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Canada. She has received research awards of excellence for her scholarship on academic integrity from the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) (2020) and the European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI) (2022). Dr. Eaton has written and presented extensively on academic integrity and ethics in higher education and is regularly invited as a media guest to talk about academic misconduct. Dr. Eaton is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal for Educational Integrity. Her books include Plagiarism in Higher Education: Tackling Tough Topics in Academic IntegrityAcademic Integrity in Canada: An Enduring and Essential Challenge (Eaton & Christensen Hughes, eds.), and Contract Cheating in Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Theory, Practice, and Policy (Eaton, Curtis, Stoesz, Clare, Rundle, & Seeland, eds.) and Ethics and Integrity in Teacher Education (Eaton & Khan, eds.)

Translating for Canada, eh

Developing Open Educational Resources to support translation into Canadian English and French

The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced numerous challenges to higher education, but it has also presented opportunities, such as encouraging the creation and use of Open Educational Resources (OER). The term OER was first introduced by UNESCO in 2002 to describe teaching, learning and research materials that are released under an open license that allows others to access, use, adapt and redistribute these materials for no cost and with few or no restrictions. However, the health, economic and workload impacts of the pandemic have really highlighted the value of making more OER available. 

Some of the benefits that OER can offer to students, instructors, institutions, and society include:

  • cost savings (makes education more affordable for students and makes the most of public investments);
  • improved access (fosters more inclusive and equitable education);
  • reduced workload (permits instructors to re-use or adapt what is already there instead of reinventing the wheel);
  • quick dissemination and ease of updates (enables continuous updates to ensure currency of information);
  • promotion of lifelong learning (supports professional development).

In 2020, I was awarded one of the University of Ottawa Library’s OER grants. My goal was to develop a bilingual OER to introduce a range of free online tools that can be used to support translation into Canadian English and Canadian French.

Many language resources exist, but the vast majority of these focus on the more well-known varieties, such as US or British English and European varieties of French. Canadians know that our own varieties of English and French are different, but when it comes to well-known resources, such as the Oxford English Dictionary or Le Petit Robert, Canadian content is often underrepresented.

As a translator trainer, I must equip the next generation of language professionals with the skills they need to translate for Canadians. There are relevant tools and resources out there, but information about them is partial and scattered, and they are often overshadowed by resources for the more dominant varieties of English and French. The OER Translating for Canada, eh? is intended to fill the gap. 

Book cover

Developed as an ebook on the open book creation platform Pressbooks, Translating for Canada, eh? presents free online tools and resources, including term banks, bilingual concordancers, tools for comparing language varieties, machine translation tools, and language portals. In each case, the tools and resources that are presented have a distinctly Canadian flavour to help translators craft texts in Canadian English and French. For each tool or resource, there is a practical exercise to get you started.

The reaction to Translating for Canada, eh? has been phenomenal! Since its release in the Fall 2021 session, the English version has attracted more than 2000 unique visitors and over 6000 page views, while the French version has received more than 1600 visitors and over 4500 page views. This suggests that there is a real need for and appreciation of OER by students and educators alike. The resource has been indexed in numerous OER catalogues, such as OER CommonsMERLOT, and eCampusOntario’s Open Library, making it easy for others to find. In addition to being used by students at the University of Ottawa, it has also been adopted at Carleton University, University of Alberta, University of Toronto, York University, Concordia University, McGill University, Université de Montréal and Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Meanwhile, the team at Pressbooks identified Translating for Canada, eh? as one of their favourite Pressbooks of 2021.

Unexpectedly, the OER has also proved to be popular outside the academic community. While it was initially conceived as a resource for students, the OER has been well received by professional translators, who see it as a useful professional development resource, and by Canadians more broadly, many of whom need to translate between English and French on an informal basis – a situation that undoubtedly applies right here at the University of Ottawa. The Government of Canada’s Translation Bureau has included Translating for Canada, eh? as part of their Collection of Canadian language resources on the Language Portal of Canada, helping to raise awareness about this resource in the non-academic community.

Creating this OER has been a wholly positive experience, and I benefited greatly from the support offered by Open Education Librarian Mélanie Brunet and by training opportunities offered by the Teaching and Learning Support Service. It is my hope that Translating for Canada, eh? will not only provide practical support to bilingual students, faculty and staff at the University of Ottawa and elsewhere but will also inspire the creation of additional OER by and for the uOttawa community.

Photo of Lynne Bowker Lynne Bowker is a Full Professor at the School of Translation and Interpretation, where she is currently directing the SSHRC-funded Machine Translation Literacy Project that seeks to raise awareness about the responsible use of machine translation tools, such as Google Translate or DeepL Translator. A member of the Royal Society of Canada, she has published widely on translation technologies and authored two key textbooks in the field. She participates actively in several communities of practice at the University of Ottawa, including the Educational Games Group (EGG), which investigates ways of integrating game-based learning into courses, the OER CoP, which supports the creation and adoption of OER, and the uOttawa Teaching and Learning Community Slack Channel, which provides a forum where professors and staff can exchange ideas, tips, suggestions or comments about teaching and learning.

Have an idea Have

an idea for a future session? Please share it with us!

Who we are

We are uOttawa’s Strategic Committee on Teaching and Learning Supports, where we are collaborating to support educational excellence at uOttawa, while addressing areas of high importance identified by students through the National Survey of Student Engagement, and other sources.

  • Alison Flynn, Associate Vice-Provost, Academic Affairs (Chair of the committee)
  • Véronic Tardif, Manager, University experience (committee coordinator)
  • Éric Bercier, Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs
  • Sylvie Lamoureux, Associate Vice-Provost, Graduate Studies
  • Michel Labrosse, Vice-Dean, Undergraduate Studies, Faculty of Engineering
  • Alain St-Amant, Vice-Dean, Undergraduate Studies, Faculty of Science
  • Mireille McLaughlin, Associate Vice-Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences 
  • Elizabeth Kristjansson, University Advisor on Mental Health and Wellness
  • Hélène Carrier, Library Representative 
  • Alain Erdmer, Director General, Teaching and Learning Support Service (TLSS) 
  • Pascal Wickert, Director, Communications and Learning Technologies (TLSS)
  • Hubert Lalande, Director, Centre for Innovative Pedagogies and Digital Learning (TLSS) 
  • Olivia Faucher, Manager, Academic Support
  • Vincent Beaulieu, Manager, Academic Accommodations
  • Matthew Archibald, Director, Student Services Centre, Telfer School of Management 
  • Esther Ouellet, Administrator, Undergraduate Studies, Telfer School of Management
  • Rachelle Leblanc-St.Denis, Administrator, Undergraduate Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences 
  • Charles-André Roy, Administrator, Graduates Studies, Faculty of Science
  • Terry Kruyk, Administrator, Graduates Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Armaan Kheppar, UOSU – Advocacy Commissioner
  • Cameron Smith, Doctoral student
  • Weiqing (Claire) Liu, Master student
  • Tim Gulliver, Undergraduate student
  • Anne Tatu, Undergraduate student
  • Clément Fischer, Undergraduate student
  • Allison-Quinn O’Rourke, Science student 
  • Abebi Souhouin, Engineering student