Instructor's Name:
Course Title:
Course Requirements and Instructor’s Expectations
I know what is expected of me in this class.
The objectives of the course were adequately explained.
Objectives for each class session are clear.
I always understand why we are covering a certain topic in this course.
The amount of work expected for this course is reasonable.
The instructor makes clear precisely how my performance will be evaluated.
Teaching Practices—Delivery of the Material and Interaction with Students
The topic of the lessons is being effectively introduced.
The instructor clarifies material which needs explanation.
The instructor speaks audibly and clearly.
The instructor makes the course interesting.
The instructor is well-prepared for class.
The instructor makes good use of audio-visual material (videos, slides, models, etc.).
I generally understand the material presented in this course.
The instructor gives examples, illustrations, or applications to clarify abstract concepts.
The instructor presents diverse approaches to problems and their solutions.
The instructor provides sufficient direction such that groups can function effectively.
The instructor seems receptive to new ideas and others' viewpoints.
I was able to get individual help when I needed it.
Students’ Engagement: Communication, Needs, Expectations, Interests, and Students’ Self-Assessment
I feel free to express and explain my views in class.
I participated more in class discussion in this course than in other courses.
This course provides an opportunity to learn from other students.
The instructor allowed adequate time for answering questions in class.
This course has stimulated me to do outside reading on my own.
This course was helpful in developing new skills.
I learned more in this course than in similar courses.
I felt that this course challenged me intellectually.
I have become more competent in this subject area as a result of this course.
This course helped me develop critical thinking skills.
I actively participated in the online discussion groups used in this course.
I performed up to my potential in this course.
Effectiveness of Assessments and Evaluations (Design/Format, Frequency, Preparation, Relevance to Course, Feedback, Results)
Class projects are related to course goals and objectives.
The assigned readings are at an appropriate level.
The number and frequency of assignments is appropriate.
The assignments/tests/exams are clearly worded.
Directions for the laboratory assignments are clear.
The assignments tests/exams help me better understand the course material.
The assignments tests/exams are worth the time that they take.
The number and frequency of exams/tests is appropriate.
I had enough time to complete the assignment/exam/test.
The answers to the exam/test questions are adequately explained afterwards.
The feedback I am getting in the course is helpful.
The grading system was adequately explained.
Laboratory reports were graded fairly and impartially.
The instructor’s grading system encourages me to work hard.
My grades accurately represent my performance in the course.
Learning Environment (Campus Classroom, Virtual Campus, Online Course, Laboratory, Access to Resources)
The classroom environment is conducive to learning.
I feel safe in this class.
I enjoy working with other students in small groups.
The instructor is receptive to student feedback in the course.
I feel confident in the instructor's ability to deal with sensitive issues.
I have access to the necessary resources to support my learning.
The software/technology/website used in this course is easy to use.
As a result of using technology in this course, I interact more with other students.
I am learning a great deal from the fieldwork experience in this course.
The laboratories used for this course have adequate facilities.
The field trips are useful learning experiences.
The resource material is sufficient and available.
The guest speakers contribute significantly to this course.
My placement/internship is/are appropriate to my career goals.
Open-ended questions
Which aspects of my teaching have you found to be the most useful to you so far this semester? Please give examples.
What are the strongest features of this course and of my teaching? In other words, what contributes more to your learning?
Is the pace of the course too fast, just right, or too slow?
What steps could you take to improve your own learning in this course?
What part(s) of this course are you finding most valuable?
What aspects of the class have helped your learning the most?
What suggestions can you offer that would make this course a better learning experience?
Has anything hindered your learning in this course? If yes, please explain and suggest what might be done differently.
What other types of assessments would help you to better improve your understanding of the material?
Which assignment have you found to be most challenging, and why?
If you could create an assignment in this course, what would you propose?
How much time do you spend working on this course (reading and assignments) outside of class hours?
Do you feel that the assignments are helping you to learn more about the material and to practice the skills introduced in-class? Please support your answer with specific examples.
What resources might help you further succeed in this course?
What resources do you find most helpful in this course?
For which lessons to date have you found the discussion groups most helpful?
How can we work towards increasing class participation in our course?
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